Today I did not go into work because I needed to get started on this third
BTS Guild piece. I have Felicia and Kim coming over Friday night to view it and I have barely got it started. Well it started off pretty good. I got up at 7am and started to edit, around 10:30 I got an email from Kim asking if my other piece that I had done first was going to be uploaded to
microsoft today. I started to panic, as I was told that the three pieces that I am doing would not be due until April 7
th and I had planned out everything for the next five days so I could get it all done. Well with this news I had to drop everything and get to finishing this piece for
microsoft. It was pretty much done but it did have temp footage in there and I had to
uprez the entire piece. Well after seven hour of problems and issues I finally finished the piece and it was ready to be uploaded.
Of course I had no idea it would take another six hours to upload it. For some reason my upload speed on my computer is really slow and though the
piece was 1.2 gigs when I first went to upload it directly to the companies website it said it was going to take 200 hours, well that was just crazy so I decided to upload it to my personal ftp site. Well that was going to take three hours so I started the process.. at about 82% it decided to delete the upload so I had to start all over again.
Well I was uploading for a second time I went back to cutting my third piece, the one that I was suppose to be doing all day today. I managed to get a very rough cut put together but by this time it was 1am and I was way to tired to continue. About this time my second upload had worked and my first piece was ready to go.
There is no way I'm going to be ready for Friday.. gonna have to email Felicia and Kim.