Today's "CON" workout was a Harry Potter themed workout and I just happen to be wearing my Hufflepuff shirt to workout.. woot!!!
This one was titled The Sorting Hat Is Having A Bad Day and was created by Coach Blair the night before.
It was all about randomness. Like with the Skittle workout we used a D8 and D20 to determine how many reps you had to do during that set.
We made two groups of three. I was teamed up with the ladies that I worked out with yesterday, Lauren and Bailey. We then pulled one random piece of paper from the four different hats (groups). Each piece of paper had a workout on it from the four different categories. We then rolled a dice to see how many we were doing of that workout.
We did five rounds and each round was 4 minutes long, so if you finished you just repeated the set again and again until 4 minutes was up. Here is how our workout turned out. First round we did 13x Russian Twists, 100 Meter Row, 7x Dumbbell Rows & 8x Wall Balls. Not a bad first round, we got lucky with some rolls.
Our second round was 13x Sit Ups, 2x Dumbbell Thrusters, 50x Mountain Climbers and 1x Ring Row. Again not bad and we really got lucky with the 1 and 2 rolls. But with less reps just means you do more sets to fill up that 4 minutes. So by the end you really aren't doing any less.
For our third round Blair let us pick one from each category and how many times we wanted to do it. I didn't feel comfortable picking how many times and so my team agreed that we'd roll the dice and see what fate would give us. We started with the 100 Meter Row, then 11x Bananas, 5x Bicep Curls and finally 5x Push Ups.
Round four we went back to randomness, we got 5x Dumbbell Thrusts, 12x Bananas (which we were not happy with as they are horrible), 50x Mountain Climbers and then 8x Dumbbell Rows. Now you've been doing this a while and you're starting to feel it.
For our fifth and final round once again Blair let us pick a workout from each category but he specified that we had to choose something that we had not done yet. So we wound up with 8x Burpees, 8x Slam Balls, 17 Sit Ups and 140 Meter Run. I'm the one who rolled for this set and got the highest numbers possible for Burpees and Slam Balls and almost got the max of 20 for Sit Ups. This was probably the hardest workout set of all the rounds and it was also partly due to the fact that it was our last set and we were exhausted.
Overall it was an amazing workout. I may have rolled my eyes a few times at Coach Blair when he asked us to continue to finish off a set though time had ran out.. but he knows I appreciate him and all the coaches at NerdStrong. And I have to say I love these "random" workouts. I hope we get more of them in the future (hint hint).
Afterwards Coach Andrew and Coach Blair retooled the workout a bit so the evening classes got a bit of a different workout then the morning classes.