Had a really good visit with my Mom, Step-Dad, and Grandma, along with my Brother, Sister-in-Law and Nephew. We had a nice Christmas lunch with turkey, ham, corn, peas, mash potatoes, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce and finished it off with pumpkin pie and ice cream. Kenobi managed to stay awake to open a few presents but was out like a light for most of it. Chuck's (my step dad) youngest son Christopher came over to visit and brought his boyfriend Josh.
We enjoyed each others company until around 4pm and then we packed up and headed over to visit my Dad.
After dinner we sat down to open presents. Every year my brother and dad go way over board with presents and this year was no exception. It was just crazy.. I am normally that one that will organize the gifts into piles and hand out one at a time and take pictures and video of everyone opening their gifts, but this time there were so many gifts and my brother just handed gifts out like crazy and folks were opening them all at the same time.. it was chaos and I got so few pictures and video this year. :(
But it's not about the gifts it's about spending time with the family... which is always nice. It was fun seeing Kenobi open his gifts. He's now 19 months and starting to understand Christmas. I got him a bag of 150 plastic balls, as he really loves balls and my Dad got him a bag of 100 balls and soon those were all over the house.. but he was loving it.
It was fun sharing an "American" Christmas with Lydia. She said it's pretty much the same as how they celebrate in Europe, other then the meals are different and the open gifts on Christmas Eve.
All in all it was another exhausting but fun filled Christmas... but I'm glad it's over. I love Christmas but man is it a lot of work.