Thursday, August 17, 2017

Believing in Yourself

Why is it so hard for me to believe the good things others say about me? I've always had low self esteem issues and I've learned to live with it. And it's gotten better over the years but still I have the hardest time accepting praise, it's like I know I work hard on something and give it my all and when people acknowledge it and tell me how great it is, I have a hardest time believing it. I guess part of me doesn't want to come off being vain or arrogant, but part of me truly doesn't believe it.

An example of this is being called a "Nice Guy" I use to hate being called that but a few years ago I decided to own it. I am a nice guy, I can't change who I am and I shouldn't be ashamed of it. You know the saying "nice guys finish last", well it's a true statement but I wouldn't want to be any other way.

I like being a nice guy, I like that people know that they can rely on me. Yes I may not achieve huge success or wealth because I'm unwilling to be cut throats.. and yes I have been taken advantage of from time to time but that just goes along with being a good person.

Another more recent example is being told I look "good" or I look "fit". Now I've been working out for over two and a half years and I can see some changes in my body but I still have a difficult time believing them. I only see my flaws and when I do catch myself at a certain angle in a certain light I can see improvements but I usually just see the bad. 

Why is it easier to believe the mean & negative things about yourself rather then the good. Is this just me or do other people find this to be true?