Friday, May 20, 2011

Ups and Downs

Well yesterday wasn't such a great day for me. Nothing in particular went wrong, was just one of those kind of blah days. I was tired, depressed, stressed and just not in the best of moods. I did enjoy chatting with some guildies in our new Guildie Extra group on facebook, so many awesome people. I also got a package from Amazon with my blu-ray Firefly series ( I finally picked up since it was 70% off the retail price), Also got The Doctor Who Specials, Narina 3 on blu-ray and the latest Harry Potter on blu-ray. And I got to watch some TV with Harry.. which was nice to just kick back and relax. So they day might have started off blah.. it ended on a high note.

Today has been much better.. work is quiet, which is always nice. Got to see my best buddy Will, who drove over here to have lunch with me... haven't seen him in about 2 1/2 months. Since it was slow at work I got to hang out for a few hours and catch up... it's just what I needed... Thanks Will.

I also got some prep work done for my next Knights of the Guild podcast recording.. seems like I'm always doing something with these podcasts. Had to create a new "Page" on facebook since the old group is being shut down. 

And to make this day even better...  it's Friday.. and I will finally have an entire weekend off with no work and no Guild, it's been over a month since I've had a weekend off. Going to be busy of course this weekend with podcasts and a birthday party on Saturday and visiting Dad and family on Sunday.. but at least I'll get to catch up on some things.

Time to head home.. night everyone.

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