Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Movie Marathon - Day 1

Was up late last night visiting with friends but I knew I had to be up fairly early to get the turkey in the oven. So I got up around 8:30am and went out to the kitchen to start breakfast. Anthony joined me and continued with the breakfast (pancakes) and Brett and I went on to prep the turkey for cooking.

Anthony, Michele, Dallas, Brett, and I played some Yahtzee and then a game of Cards Against Humanity. Josh slept in.

At noon we started with our first Christmas movie Home Alone. Jes arrived around 1ish and we paused the movie to make some mash potatoes and finish prepping the rest of the side dishes. Aaron & Anne arrived just as we were about to eat Christmas dinner which was around 2pm.. I bit earlier then I had planned but we were all hungry and the food was ready.

After we ate we exchanged gifts and I got some pretty nice things including a framed poster of Middle Earth which is pretty awesome.

After four hours we finally finished watching Home Alone. More guests arrived, Teresa, Will, Luis and Jennifer and we moved on to Love Actually and then our final movie of the night While You Were Sleeping (which isn't really a Christmas movie but it's my all time favorite romantic comedy).

It was a great day hanging with friends, playing games and watching some good movies.

And the Christmas movie marathon continues tomorrow.

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