Sunday, January 18, 2015

Friends, Potter, Love and Minecraft

I got to spend some times with friend Nicki and Anne. They live down in San Diego and we haven't seen each other in quite a while so it was nice to get to hang out for a few hours. We got to catch up on each others lives and grabbed some lunch before they headed off to see more friends.

The Treks in Sci Fi guest podcast on the first Harry Potter book and movie that I did with co-host Rico was released today. You can take a listen HERE. We plan to continue with the series and talk about all seven books and eight movies.

Freedom to Marry released this amazing video about four months ago but this is the first I'm seeing it and it's pretty awesome. So I figured I'd share it with you all.

I also played some Minecraft with my buddies Brett and Chris. I only planned to play for an hour or so and the next thing I knew was 3 hours. It's funny how games can just suck you in and you don't feel the passage of time.

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