Today's CON class was all about running, but before we get to that we had a nice warm up and did a bit of mobility work. We then moved on to this really cool cool agility exercise. Coach Andrew placed these cones on the ground and for the first part all we had to do was side straddle around each cone. The second part was a bit more complicated as we started in the middle and then we'd have to jump to one of the outside cones, bind down and touch it and then jump back to the center cone and touch it and then jump back to the next cone and touch and so on until we touched all the cones. This was timed so we tried to do it as fast as possible. Of course I went first and was the guinea pig so everyone after me went a bit faster... I hope we get to do this again in a future workout.

After the agility exercise we moved on to the actual workout which was running and running and oh some sprinting too. We started with 5 one minute runs around the parking lot. So it didn't matter where we were in our run, at the one minute mark we had to stop and rested for a minute before doing it again.
Once the running had exhausted us we moved on to sprinting. Like with running we did 5 one minute sprints. The different between running and sprinting is with sprinting you are moving as fast as your legs can take you. Sprinting is a lot more taxing on your body so we got to take 4 minute rests between sprints.
Luckily I enjoy running so I liked this workout but some folks weren't so happy :)
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