We started with a good warm up that felt more like a mini workout. We then moved into our 1 Max Rep Bench Press. I teamed up with my buddy John. We had to do three sets, the first was 5 reps for a warm up, my weight for this was 95 lbs. The second set we had to do 3 reps and add more weight and I went up to 135 lbs. For the third set we went for our 1 Rep Max.

After the testing we move on to our next "Strength" workout, Hang Cleans. I was not thrilled to see this as of all the barbell workouts I have the toughest time with Cleans. I know what I'm suppose to do but there are so many moving parts I can't figure out how to do them all. I guess it's good that we will be working on these for the next few weeks as I need the help but I hate feeling frustrated after a workout. So for today it was basic and we broke down the Hang Cleans and did each component 50 times. I'm hoping by the time we are done with this segment I'll be able to do Clean a little better.
So overall it was a great day for Bench Press and an okay day for Hang Cleans.
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