Friday, January 15, 2016

NerdStrong Gym - My Weekly Recap

I got my full week of workouts in this week. Saturday CON workout, Sunday TEAM workout, Tuesday DEX workout, Wednesday CON workout and Thursday STG workout.

We started a new Big Boss Monster Battle and almost died. It was brutal as this is the first one of this month which means we will be doing this again at the end of the month to see if we improved. This one was a Deadpool themed boss fight. 42 minute time cap, EMOM (every minute on the minute) Minute 1 was 40x Jumping Jack, Minute 2 was 6x Burpees, Minute 3 was 10x Headcutters, Minute 4 was 15x Slamballs, Minute 5 was 20x Kettlebell Swings and Minute 6 was Rest (or Bicycles). The first few rounds were fine, I was finishing quick enough that I could take a few seconds break before starting it all over again. but by round four I started to barely get done with headcutters within the minute and if you couldn't finish you had to skip the next workout. It only happened once where I couldn't finish headcutters and had to skip Slamballs. But after that coach Andrew said we could do seven Headcutters instead ten and that helped me.. barely but I managed to finish everything.. though just barely.

For Sunday's themed workout it was all about the musical Hamilton. Now I only heard about his musical a few weeks before it was announced that we were doing a workout to it. I feel like this phenomenon come out of no where. There were three classes today and each class was expanded to 30 people and almost all the spots were taken..that means almost 90 people workouted out to this workout. We started off with this awesome warm up that was lead by coach Andrew. It was alot of fun and I hope we do more warm ups like that.

As for the workout we did it in teams of 2 and worked out at each station for 4 minutes. We had to switch workouts every minute so that meant we did a total of two minutes at each workout. Station 1 was Rowing and Wall Sitting, Station 2 was Air Squats and Planking, Station 3 was Mountain Climbers and Hollow Holds, Station 4 was Alternating Dumbbell Curls and Hollow Hang and Station 5 was Walking Lunge with slam ball over head and Walking Lunge with Slamball held out in front. And as a finisher we carried heavy things and ran around the parking lot for a 230 meter run. It was a good workout and I'm glad to see the gym getting some major attention.

Tuesday workout was probably one of the hardest things I have done at the gym.. a Burpee Ladder. We started with 20 and then slowly went down the ladder 19, 18, 17, 16 and so on all the way down to 1. We had 30 minutes to try and get as far as possible. I am happy to say that I was one of the few who actually finished, my time was 29 minutes and 50 seconds. I had 10 second to spare. If you total up all the Burpees that's 210 Burpees... I just did 210 Burpees in less then 30 minutes. Now I know anything is possible!!!

Wednesday CON class felt like a mini boss battle, after doing pull up practice we had to do a 230 meter run, 30x Dumbbell Bench Row, 230 meter run, 40x Sit Ups, 230 meter run, 50x Squats, 230 meter run, 40x Sit Ups, 230 meter run, 30x Dumbbell Bench Press and then one final 230 meter run. It was crazy and that wasn't the end.. we had a finisher and all that was written on the board was "Something Spicy".. yeah it was a tough CON day.  

Thursday STG workout was all about Deadlifts and unfortunately I choose to heavy of a weight early one and felt my lower back start to strain so I pulled back and stopped the deadlifts. It's always hard having to stop workout but I have learned that if I don't stop there is a possibility of injuring myself even worse and being out for weeks or even months.  I was okay with the rest of the workout which involved Nerdmakers, Steps ups, Jumping Jacks, Rowing, Scissor Kicks and Heavy Bicep Curls. It's not how I wanted to end my week of workouts but it wasn't that bad and I'm glad I didn't continue to push myself and make things worse.

1/14 Rough Strength workout for today's 7am @nerdstronggym class.. At least for me. Started to heavy of a DeadLift and my back wasn't happy, but I stopped before it got to bad.    

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