Friday, May 27, 2016

Vintage Gay Home Movies

I came across this article from The New Yorker titled "The Moving Revelations of Gay Home Movies" A collection of home movies at the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco captures the intimacies of gay life long before it was allowed to flourish in the open.

I can't explain why but these videos really touched me, so much so that when I watch them I tear up. Maybe it's because these men were being themselves at a time when homosexuality was considered a mental illness and you could . These guys are so happy and having a great time just being themselves. I'm sure most of these men are repressed in their "real" life and these weekend getaways were something extremely special to them. I couldn't imagine being a gay man in the 40's, even today we still experience bigotry and hatred but back then I'm sure it was unbearable.

Check out the link below

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