Today when I got home I had several cool packages waiting for me. One was this print of a male fairy that I've admired for a few years. I've been on the search for a nice male fairy picture to frame but just couldn't find one that I liked.. the one I found is called Acorn and I found a decent size one 11x17. Can't wait to frame it.

The second was my halfling ears for the Hobbit costume for SDCC. My previous ears were a one time use but I've used them six or seven times but didn't want to take any more chances with them.. so I bought 3 sets of unpainted ears.

The third and fourth things were two large boxes, one with some controllers and cords and the other is an Xbox gaming console (well I have to sign for the package so it's at the post office and I'll pick it up on Saturday) My besties Chris got a new R2D2 Xbox and gave me his older one. I can't wait to hook it and my kinect up and buy some cool games as well as some workout games.
It was a good week for goodies in the mail.
YAYAYAYAAY!!!!!Fruit Ninja here we come!!!!! We may also have some games we can lend/give you to play that we don;t even touch, if you are interested. I can send you a list with short descriptions and you can pick which ones you want. :) JL