Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hobbit Birthdays & Pottermore Revamped

Today is Bilbo and Frodo's birthday, being the Hobbit that I am I had to mention it on my blog and celebrate this momentous occasion. As they have done the past few years The One Ring dot net had a huge party in Griffith Park this past Saturday to celebrate and like I do every year I plan to go but something also seems to come up, usually it has to with my birthday being to close to theirs.

Well this time I was available and had every intention to go but after my morning workout I was tired and coupled with high temperatures of 106 degrees I just couldn't bring myself to dress up and go out. I was hoping that it would cool down and I'd at least stop by for a few hours but as the day went by the temps did not decrease and my laziness grew heavier. So I missed it once again (I'm very disappointed), I should have sucked it up and went even if I didn't dress up.

Anyways today for their birthday I honored them by eating like a Hobbit, which includes Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and finally Supper. Happy Birthday Mr. Bilbo and Mr. Frodo.

In other geeky news, Pottermore completely changed it's format. Before it was kind of like a game/animated story teller type book. You could win house points, search for missing items and collect chocolate frogs. This new version is much more streamlined. It seems much more adult. I haven't had a ton of time to explore but it seems to be easier to find "additional" writing from JK herself giving us some amazing extra information about some of our favorite characters. If you're a fan of Harry Potter you need to check out the new POTTERMORE at https://www.pottermore.com

During the evening after work I headed out with friends Jes and Dallas for a tasty pre-birthday dinner. We went to a local Lebanese restaurant that we discovered last month. I got to enjoy my "supper" (final Hobbit meal of the day) with two of my favorite people.. thanks guys for a fun evening.

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