Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Healthier Me - Day 4

Day 4 and going strong.. did feel sore at all today when I woke up. Did my work out later then I usually do it but I still did it.

Today's Workout:

30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical
3 sets of 10 on free weights (90 lbs)
3 sets of 10 on the front leg press (45 lbs)
3 sets of 10 on the back leg press (45 lbs)
3 sets of 10 on squats (70 lbs)

Resisting to get on that scale.. want to wait until Monday. Still struggling with my food (eating better) but I'm working on it.


  1. are you going to work out 7 days in a row or do you have breaks planned?

  2. Lookin' good :D Fun stuff! I woke up with jelly legs today. My yoga ball is brutal! Hehe. I like how structured you are with this. Nice plan. Personally, I'm not going to take days off because I know that I need the consistency to keep it going. In the past, not making it a priority one day began the slippery slope! I hate that slope.
