Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Starting My Blog Up Again (Again)

So I've been wanting to blog again for awhile now, my issue is that I blogged daily for years and when I took a break I intended on going back and blogging the days that I missed, soon those days turned into weeks, which turned into months and the thought of trying to back blog years of memories was very daunting so I decided that I just wouldn't blog anymore. But I miss blogging so I have decided to start it back up again, this time around it won't be daily, I just don't have the time for a daily blog (though I may blog several days in a row). I'm just going to blog when I feel like it. I never blogged for anyone to read them, it's more of a diary for me. I enjoy looking back at my blog entries and remembering some amazing times in the life. So I'm going to give it a go again. I may back blog a bit (if I feel like it). I've had some big moments happen in my life the past few years (since I stopped blogging), but most blogs will just be current stuff happening in my life. For those who do read my blog, Thank You, and I hope you continue to do so.

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