Monday, November 21, 2011

Parties & Podcasts

It's funny,  I have a love hate relationship with my podcasts. I love doing them but sometimes I hate editing them. Well today was a good day. I got up and was full of energy. I rearrange all my furniture for my upcoming Thanksgiving / Lord of the Rings movie marathon. Since I have about 20 folks coming my TV room is too small to accommodate for everyone so I moved my dining table against the wall and rearrange all my chairs and couches to face the front door where I'll be moving my TV. I did it this way for my Star Wars Marathon and it seemed to go over petty well.

After that I cleaned the kitchen and guest room but still had my master bedroom and master bath but instead I was motivated to edit the next MASH 4077 Podcast which isn't due to be released until Dec. 1st. Now if you follow my blog you know I have struggled with the last two MASH podcasts and edited them on the actual day they were due to be released. So when I got the urge I dropped everything and jumped on them. I actually got it completely done and even started the next Confessions of a Fangirl podcast. Still have to finish that and do a Knights of the Guild podcast before the 1st of December. And I'm waiting for my brother to record our first Alien Nation podcasts. His wife is about to give birth to their daughter (my niece) any day now so he wants to be close and I don't blame him. I live about an hour and a half way from him. She's due any day now so once she has the baby will be able to take a few hours and record a few episodes. I still hope to get the first episode out sometime in December.

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