Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Update on my Dad

Thank you to those who contacted me via text, facebook, heytell and twitter about my Dad's prognosis since we were to get the news yesterday afternoon.

Well there was a miscommunication between my Dad and I and the appointment he had yesterday was for the nose,throat, ear doctor, which of course they cancelled because they know now it's cancer. My Dad will be seeing his primary cancer doctor on Wednesday May 25th and then we should get the results of his biopsy and bone marrow tests. We will know if the cancer is isolated and treatable or if it has spread and is terminal.

So one more week of waiting and hoping for the best. I'll keep you all posted.


  1. Been reading the updates. I never had to deal with a parent with cancer, but I had my mother pass away suddenly 10 years ago and then had to endure watching my father deteriorate mentally to Alzheimer's. Its a very tough road to see a parent suffer, but the strength you give him will help him. And you draw your strength from all us.

  2. Will be thinking about you and him. Fingers crossed. Sending out positive vibes.

  3. My thoughts and positive energy is sent you and your father's way. I understand about cancer...
