Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Saturday

So this weekend I have 3 different podcasts that I need to, if not finish, get a big portion of them done. So I got up around 7am and started working on episode 15 of my MASH 4077 Podcast. After several hours of editing and needed a break so I went and cleaned my kitchen. When I got back to my computer I decided to try and record and finish my very first Confessions of a Fanboy podcast. I recorded some of it a few days ago but still had some more recording and then editing of the podcast. 

At 10am I decided to take another break and this time I went out and did some much needed yard work. It was hot, in the high 90's so I only lasted a half hour, but got quite a bit of work done. After that I had to take a shower and get ready to go visit my Dad.

At 11:30am I headed out to my Dad's and arrived around 1pm. Had a nice visit with my Dad, had lunch, and took him shopping. He had his final chemo treatment a few days prior and so he didn't have a lot of energy so we took our time. I did get some great news.. as of my Dad's latest doctors appointment they did a cat scan and couldn't find any more cancer. All test were negative so the doctors have said he is now cancer free. His while blood cell count is below average and that's because the chemo kills the bad cells but also kills the good. So he'll need to take some meds for the next few months but he should be back to normal in no time.

I got back on the road around 4pm and arrived home at 6:30pm. Had some dinner and then jumped back on the computer to hope and finish both my MASH and Confessions of a Fanboy podcast. Well that didn't quite happen. I did finish my first episode of my new podcast Confessions of a Fanboy so I feel as thought I accomplished something... but that leaves two podcasts that I have to finish tomorrow. Oh well will see what happens.

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