Thursday, March 13, 2014

It's Almost Time!!!

T-Minus 2 Days... it's almost here.

Still having issues on finding a GPS for the trip abroad. I manged to dig my GPS out of storage but realized that it only has US maps and I could buy Europe maps but then I noticed that my GPS is very old and didn't have a slot of the memory card so it would be pointless. I put a call out there for any of my friends to be able to help me out but didn't get any responses. Guess I'll just to have deal, I'll buy a map and do it the old fashion way.

Woohoo.. just got word from my buddy Markus that we got tickets for The Warner Bros Studio tour: The Making of Harry Potter, in London and The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff. Also I got Robert, Thomas and I tickets for the Guinness Tour in Dublin. Gonna be fun.

There was alot to do today (I tend to procrastinate), but I'm happy to say be the end of the day everything... with the exception of packing (which I'll finish tomorrow) is done. I am ready for the month long trip.

I took a break from all the crazy travel stuff to have lunch with my friend Jes, she took me to a new place that I haven't had before called Skinny Kitchen. It's just down the street and they have some very tasty burgers and fries and the fries are cooked with hot air (a bit healthier). After lunch we went next door to the comic book shop and I picked up the second issue of the new Serenity comic book series.

It's going to be weird not seeing my friends for a month. I think this will be the longest I have gone with not seeing them since I met the majority of them a few years ago.

In other news.. I came across this article from last year about the 2013 National Beard and Mustache Championships. Being a beard wearer myself I found some of these beards and mustaches amazing. I plan on letting my beard grow out a bit.. will see how long I'll last. Check out some of the amazing beards HERE.

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