Tuesday, December 23, 2014

An Unexpected Party

I had planned to head over to my brother's tonight and spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with them but around 3pm I got an unexpected invite to a last minute Christmas party. It was my friends America and Dove. I haven't seen these guys in a while (and it wasn't from a lack of trying to get together) so of course I was going to go.

It started at 7 and of course I got there at 7 and was the first to arrive. Besides America and Dove, I got to meet America's mother who was also visiting for the holidays. I'm glad I got there early as I got to catch up a bit with America and Dove before more guest arrived. Half hour after I arrived more guests started to arrive including my friends Jes and Eric. There was a total of about 12 people. We had some tasty foods, chatted and then played several rounds of Charades. The dinner party lasted until around midnight when we said our goodbyes, Dove lite another Chanukah candle and we headed home.

It was a fun night and I got to meet several very cool and interesting people, but then again I would expect America and Dove's friends to be awesome... and they were. Thanks guys for the invite.

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