Monday, August 15, 2011

Quit my Job

Well I did for all of thirty minutes. I am working at home today because I'm waiting for some paperwork to be Fedex'd to me for Daisy's vet appointment tomorrow. Everything has to happen on time or she won't make her flight on Wednesday. So I worked from home. While I was at home I got another reprimanding email from the line producer complaining about one thing or another. I'm already in an emotional state from the break up, so it took all my strength to email her back and say that I was sorry that I was unaware of this rule and it won't happen again. It would have been fine if she would have left it.. but that's not her style. She had to get the last derogatory word in and that was it. I had had enough and wrote this:

"Person's name".. I think it's time that you look for a new post production supervisor. I'm tired of getting reprimanded for things I "should" have known. This is my first gig with "Network I work for", I don't know these "rules" you keep throwing in my face. I am doing the best I can and if that is not good enough then by all means find a replacement because I won't put up with being your whipping boy whenever there is a money issue in post."

It felt good.. she and I have been butting heads for a few months and I have been close to my boiling point several time and to finally let off some steam was great.

I didn't want to quit, I love everyone else I work with but I'm too old and set in my ways to put up with continuous crap from people. Also if I quit I would not be able to collect unemployment but I didn't care.

Well thirty minutes later I got an email from the post producer (someone I work with hand in hand with in post) She had talked with the person I had an issue with and with the show runner and they really wanted me to stay, they said we would all have a meeting on Thursday and talk it out. I agreed to stay part loyalty to those two and part funding for my European Trip I hope to take next year.  But I did say I won't put up with her crap anymore. One snide remark and I'm outta here.

So I go into work tomorrow, luckily she and I work in different buildings so we won't have to see each other until Thursday. I hope we can work things out I would like to finish this job in mid September. But I also am tired, emotionally drained and stressed out and have no problem quitting on a moments notice.


  1. Good for you. Your email was nicely written - short, to the point, and (believe it or not) very tactful. You stood up for yourself and you did it the right way. You gave her the opportunity to correct her bad behavior - which it sounds like she's willing to do in order to keep you. Best of luck on Thursday. Keep your chin up and stay strong.

  2. Good for you for standing up for yourself! And even better for them for not letting a good person go.

  3. Good for you Kenny! I think you handled that perfectly! I hope all goes well for you at your meeting, hopefully it is just the one hothead and that you and work things out so that you can stay and help without having to put up with someone elses problems

  4. I applaud you for standing up for yourself and your dignity in the face of someone who clearly does not know how to effectively manage and motivate associates. I would say that she needs some interpersonal skills training at the very least and that you might even make that request. You likely have a viable Human Resources grievance here, and the post produces probably knows this. Is it possible you could ask to report directly to the post producer and not this 'person'? If they value your work and contributions, then it sounds like they are not willing to allow this 'person' to interfere with that. I will be praying for you on Thursday and hope for a positive outcome from the meeting.

  5. keep track of all your e-mails between the parties involved Kenny if things do take a turn for the worse hey can prove to be invaluable. congrats on letting them know your position. I had to do that once and it took almost 2 years for me to work up the nerve. BEST OF LUCK and Happy Vibes

  6. You go Kenny! Don't take crap from anyone!

  7. Stay strong Kenny there's always the one jackass at work and everybody already knows that they are so your Thursday meeting will go fine.
