Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stuck in Santa Monica

After my bro-date with my buddy Robert I headed home.. it's something like 1am in the morning and I completely forget they are doing freeway work on the 405 in this area.. I spent the next hour driving around looking for an on ramp to the freeway.. sitting in long line of cars trying to get on the freeway. It was crazy. I worked all day then did dinner and a movie so I was up at 6am and it's now 1am of the following day and I was so tired... I just wanted to get home. As I mentioned I finally got on the freeway an hour later and home an hour after that... wasn't the best way to end the night and the only good thing is that I didn't have to get up at 7am the next morning for work as it's a Saturday. But this is my last weekend before comic con and I have so much stuff to do.

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