Monday, April 28, 2014

D&D Anniversary & Dinner with Friends

This is my Halfling Wizard - Dash
Today is the one year anniversary of the D&D (Pathfinder) group that I belong to. I can't believe it's been an entire year already. Dallas our fearless DM has brought so much fun, entertainment, adventure and craziness to each session. He doesn't just sit behind his books and direct our adventure. He interacts with us using voices, props and gets others to record NPC's that we run into. It's a fully immersive experience and it's a ton of fun.

We've hit a few snags here and there along the way but what do you expect with a group of 12 players (now down to 9) but the last few sessions have been super fun. We are currently on hiatus as he prepare for our fourth adventure. I can't wait until June when we start back up. Thanks Dallas for all that you do and congratulation to you and all my fellow D&D players on this one year anniversary.

I've been staying in the past few days.. but my buddy Robert is moving just down the street and I was informed that he would be at his new place tonight dropping off stuff so Dallas, Jes, Robert and I went out to eat. It's so much fun to be able to just walk to Robert's place and then walk to the restaurant. Tonight we did Pitfire Grill. It was good to get out again and see friends. I'm hoping this exhaustion that I'm feeling doesn't stick around for much longer.

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