Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hobbit News, Sabers and Bollywood

Finally started catching up on my blog. I managed to blog up to Day 6 of my dream vacation but realized that it's going to take me awhile to get all those done in a timely manner. And the longer it takes the longer my "daily" blog falls behind. So I deiced to stop with my dream vacation and catch on my daily blog and then go back and continue blogging about my vacation.

In Hobbit news.. they released the title of the next Hobbit movie. Everyone had thought it was going to be There and Back Again but since it was split into three movies Mr. Jackson felt that, that title no longer fit so they changed it to The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies. I'm really looking forward to the final installment of this trilogy.

I came across several videos that I wanted to share with you guys. First one is Revenge of the Threesome: Star Wars Lightsaber Duel (Saber III) This actually features quite a few friends.

And the next one is a PSA for the United Nations Free and Equal Campaign. In the first-ever Bollywood music video for gay rights.


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