Tuesday, June 16, 2015

NerdStrong Gym - A Good Day!!!

After taking Monday off it was nice being back at NerdStrong. Today's workout was pretty tough. It looked like alot of work but when it was all done and over I felt pretty good.

We started with the Agility Ladder, which is always fun to do and when I say fun I mean I look ridiculous doing it.

For our Skill work today we worked on Pull Ups. Now when I started the gym I was able to do one really good pull up but that was it. Well today in front of coach Andrew I actually did two really good pull ups. I was so shocked that I got up there a second time that I lost my concentration and couldn't do a third. I know it sounds stupid to get excited for 2 pull ups but it's actually a huge deal.

We then did a 21 - 15 - 9 rep workout on Ring Rows and Push Ups. So that meant we had to do 21 Rings Rows and then do 21 Push Ups, rest and then do 15 Ring Rows and 15 Push Ups and finally 9 Ring Rows and 9 Push Ups. I once again surprised myself and impressed coach Andrew who was watching me when I did 21 strict push ups without stopping. I was having a great workout so far.

We then moved on to a 4 minute time cap to try and do 100 Sit Ups. I managed to do 66 within the time limit.. which isn't bad since sit ups are still tough for me.

And our final workout titled "Finisher" consisted of 5 minutes of AMRAP (As many reps/rounds as possible) 10x Box Jump & 10x Kettlebell Face Peelers.

Though this workout was a DEX workout it felt very CON to me.. great workout.. thanks coach Andrew.

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