Friday, May 22, 2015

NerdStrong Open Gym - Leg Day

Today was open gym and I had planned to work on my shoulder and biceps but when I got there Coach Seely had put up one of his famous Seely Specials. He convinced me that we had worked on arms and shoulders all week.. which was true. So Josh, Dan and I opted to do his Leg Day.

We had about 30 minutes to do 4 rounds of 40x Wallballs, 30x Slamballs, 20x Walking Weighted Lunges, 10x Goblet Squats and then a 500 meter run.

The first round wasn't that bad, I mean it was a lot but the three of us got through it all. When we started round two we were tired so the three of us did everything as a team. We rested the same amount of time and then agreed to do 8 Wallballs at a time for five sets. We did the same and broke down all the reps into small manageable numbers so we could finish the Slamballs, Walking Lunges and Goblet Squats. The runs were tough as your legs were just dying and then you had to go run around the parking lot twice...

We encouraged each other along the way... it was a really nice team effort. When we got to the third round our time was running low so we cut back to 30x Wallballs, 20x Slamballs, 15x Walking Weighted Lunges and 10x Goblet Squats. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we ran out of time in the middle of our third set of Slamballs. So in the ended up doing 110 Wallballs, 70 Slamballs, 40 Walking Weighted Lunges, 20 Goblet Squats and ran 1000 meters... not bad for a 30 minute workout.

Thanks coach Seely for another awesome Seely Special.. I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!!

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