Wednesday, September 30, 2015

NerdStrong Even Nerdier & Pilates

So my gym is getting even more nerdier.. they have decided to geek things up and label our workouts a little differently. Now each workout will consist of these four elements; Build - Warmup exercises, Proficiency - Movement prep exercises, Quest - A focused skill, Battle - Our workouts of the day.

They are also going to start to introduce Villians - These are to be defeated, usually on a weekly basis. An example of a weekly villain is "Dehydration". Kill this villain off by drinking more water and keeping yourself hydrated effectively. Loot - "Loot" will be our monthly goal at Nerdstrong Gym; the treasure we're trying to win each month. And finally Boss Monsters - Boss battles will happen at the beginning and end of the month, in between will have mini-boss battles to help us improve our fight for the final boss at the end.

So if you didn't think NerdStrong was geeky enough already... they just leveled up!!!

During the evening I attended the very first Pilates class at NerdStrong.. as well as my first ever Pilates class. One of the members of NerdStrong Corrin teaches Pilates so they added one class a week on Wednesday night at 8pm. I've been wanting to do Yoga at NerdStrong but the class' are always happening when I'm still working so I was excited that Pilates was a later class, one that I could attend. I really don't know much about Pilates other then they use large torture looking machines but come to find out that Pilates started out with no machines and this was the type the Corrin was teaching.

When I was done I felt great, for me Pilates is like an hour long stretching session. It's also suppose to help strengthen your core (which I need help with). I'm really looking forward to continuing with Pilates and seeing how strong I can make my core.

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