Sunday, April 26, 2015

NerdStrong Gym - Defeating Ultron

Coach Andrew posted the workout on twitter before my 10am class so I got a look at what was in store for me and it was frightening. Never has a workout required two board to cover it all. Well this one did.

So when I got to the gym I was a bit leery. The 9am people looked exhausted and I knew that was going to be me in an hour. Coach Andrew actually was doing the workout with the 10am class so Coach David was running the 10am class. He's always great at describing what's happening when it comes to themed workouts.

The idea behind this workout is AMAZING. I love that we first fight Ultron Prime and defeat him, we then fight version 1 which is new and improved. If we defeat that version then comes version 2 even bigger and badder... well we continue this pattern until we reach version 14 when we finally defeat the big bad Ultron... but will any of us survive until version 14?

There was a time limit on this workout... 30 minutes.

We started off easy.. 10x High Knees and then a mandatory :30 second break.. piece of cake.. Ultron Prime is defeated.  Next was version 1, 15x High Knees and 5x Squats. Again not to bad, feeling good and defeated version 1 and moved on to version 2, 20x High Knees, 10x Squats and 5x Lunges. Version 2 went down pretty easily and I'm thinking.... this isn't so bad I should be able to get to version 14. Well version 3 attacked with 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges and 5x Push Ups. Okay I'm starting to feel it but still going strong and move on to version 4. Version 4 is a bit worse with 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups and 5x CP Sit Ups. Still feeling good so I move on to version 5 ready for the fight.. version 5 had 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups, 10x CP Sit Ups and a :10 second Plank. Yeah now I'm defiantly feeling it, I struggle a bit but still defeat version 5. Next up version 6, 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups, 10x CP Sit Ups, :20 second Plank and 10x Bicycles. It's tough but I manage to defeat version 6 and move on to version 7, 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups, 10x CP Sit Ups, :30 second Plank, 15x Bicycles and a 70 meter run. The run was actually nice as it was cool outside and felt great on my face. Once back from the run version 8 attacked with 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups, 10x CP Sit Ups, :30 second Plank, 20x Bicycles, a 140 meter run and 10x Band Row. At this point you're on auto pilot hoping not to crash.. so I moved on to version 9, which was 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups, 10x CP Sit Ups, :30 second Plank, 30x Bicycles, a 140 meter run, 15x Band Row and 5x Pull Ups. Once I defeated version 9 I had only a minute left so I jumped in to battle version 10, 20x High Knees, 15x Squats, 10x Lunges, 10x Push Ups, 10x CP Sit Ups, :30 second Plank, 30x Bicycles, a 140 meter run, 15x Band Row and 10x Pull Ups and 5x Kettlebell HP. Well time ran out as I was doing my 10x Push Ups.

So that is where my battle ended.. I was in the middle of defeating version 10. I was extremely happy with where I ended, I was hoping to at least make it to version 9 as the majority of the people made it to 9 and 10. Only a handful made it to 11 and only one, Coach Andrew, made it to version 12. Nobody defeated version 14... so Ultron lives to fight another day.

This was an extremely tough but great workout. I think I even forgot to take my :30 second mandatory rest time because I just wanted to defeat the next version. As I said in previous posts it's intimidating when you look at a workout like this but when it's over you have this amazing feeling of accomplishment.

Over the course of this 30 minute workout I did, 205 High Knees, 135 Squats, 80 Lunges, 75 Push Ups, 55 CP Sit Ups, 130 seconds of Planking, 75 Bicycles, Ran 350 Meters, 25 Band Rows and 5 Pull Ups... that's just crazy cool.

Thanks to Coach David for another amazing coaching job and to Coach Andrew for coming up with this crazy ass workout.

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