Saturday, September 19, 2015

NerdStrong Gym - Killer Workout

Today's workout was titled Sulaco Days.. I didn't have a clue what this was in reference to but found out that it's the name of the ship in Aliens.

Coach David was teaching today and we started with a good warm up. "2 Steps" Air Squats, Overhead Squat, Lunge and Push Ups. So we lined up at one end of the gym and then would take two steps and then do whatever it was we were to do. We did this all the way across the gym. After doing all those we then did a Bear Crawl and Crab Walk twice.. bear crawl is a piece of cake but the crab walks are horrible especially since they make us keep our fingers pointed forward. It causes alot of strain on the wrists and is a killer.

Next we did a "skill" titled "Vasquez" and if you remember the first thing Vasquez does when she gets out of cryo is do Pull Ups... so that's what we were doing. We had to pick 3 from this list of Strict Pull-Ups, Paused Negatives, Negatives, LAT Pull with short bar, Banded Pull Downs and Strict Ring Rows and work on them for about 15 minutes. I think instead of picking three I did all of them, or at least gave each of them a try. I'm only able to do 2 strict pull ups on a good day but I'm improving.

Next was the main workout and it was a killer.. it had a time cap of 25 minutes and this is what we had to do. 5x Burpees, 30x Push Ups, 40x Sit Ups, 50x Squats, 5x Burpees, 30x Push Ups, 40x Sit Ups, 50x Squats, 5x Burpees and then 30x Dumbbell NerdMakers.

There really isn't anything you can do to prepare for a workout like this.. you just chug along at what ever pace works best for you and keep moving. It was exhausting but I'm very proud of myself as I made it all the way to the Dumbbell Nerdmakers and got about 20 of those completed before time ran out and the workout was over.

This was alot of work but I think these kind of workouts really show how far I have come. I use to look at something like this and think "OMG this is impossible".. now when I look at something like this I think... "bring it on!!!". Thanks coach David for the awesome workout.

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